Happy Saturday to all...
Today is one of those busy days at work. We have a wedding here today along with Restaurant Week going on (Meaning...instead of being a members only club, the public can come and dine with us.) and then the bar is open for members only.
.... right now...the wedding is getting underway. Well...the reception portion of it...which is all anyone cares about anyways...hahaha
Weddings are a strange thing to me. They are part fashion show, part "LOOK AT ME", part show and tell and part reunion.
As they walk into our venue, they pick up their place cards. This is where I am stationed most of the night. This is also where members will also check in with me here as well as the public for restaurant week.
So my night starts with a fashion show!
Moms always sorta look the same...you can tell family of the bride and groom...and you can always tell which girl is a date who is trying too hard and wants to be the next bride OR a girl who is insecure and feels the need to be the "hottest" girl in the room.
Now...yes...this is me sounding all judgemental...and yeah...I guess I am being that way but seriously. There is always at least one girl dressed for a club rather than a wedding.
Now.. (I like the word NOW...can you tell?) ... NOW... I do not really have the right to tell people what to wear. Standards of dress and most dress codes I think are lame lame lame....but I think there is a sorta overall theme to any event. Nothing wrong with some rebellion. A good accessory or whatever. Show off your personality.
I am never quite properly dressed. I will have the general idea with some chains or whatever thrown on top to make it my own rather than just a cookie cutter wedding outfit of a dress and heals...or whatever.
I have been known to rock a suit at a wedding...or more of a gothic style...even a little punk now and again....but tonight...there is a dress.
It is short....like she keeps pulling it down short (meaning she isn't even truly comfortable/confident in it) ...open back and the bust area is covered in sparkles...with tiny straps.
She just looks uncomfortable and doesn't match the sort of wedding this is at all (semi formal, island sorta vibe) ...
***** TWINS.... twin babies just came in. OMG
So ... this takes me to a whole other topic. I will get back to weddings I promise...
but OK...babies. *sigh*
I never really wanted kids. I would see them and be like EWWW GROSS.
Now... at 28.5 years old. Whenever I see a well behaved, cute kid...my heart melts and I swear my insides scream! Like...you know..my girl parts.
These twins are SO CUTE. A boy and a girl Austin and Dallas (cute no??) and they are baby babies. It is way too loud for them in here so they keep walking to the lobby. *swoon*
Ok..baby moment over...
****** Weddings.....
So yeah...where was I.
Ok ...we covered the fashion show part of it... I do enjoy the fashion show...its a lot of what to wear, what not to wear kinda stuff.
The LOOK AT ME part is obvious. Its a party for a specific couple. There are cameras and video and blah blah blah. Its definitely a thing about 2 people and hopefully they are showcasing their personalities and their interests and their love. It should be about them ...but if they are a caring bride and groom and love their guests, then they thought about the comforts of their guests.
Meaning food, drink and such at all the appropriate times.
Personally, I think there should be cocktail hour BEFORE the ceremony. That's just my style. I want everyone relaxed and happy before my wedding...not sitting there thinking "when are we going to get to eat?" and such.
Feed the guests...booze them up (as much as you deem appropriate) and then have them sit down for a wedding. Then MORE FOOD and drink and music and entertainment and so on.
Not super formal and on a time crunch...of course there is a schedule but nothing is perfect and nothing will flow perfectly smooth...so just sit back and roll with it.
.... the show and tell parts, as well as the reunion parts are kinda like DUH. I don't really think I need to cover those parts of a wedding. They are what they are and they are great. Getting family and friends together that have not been together in a while. AWESOME.
Drunk girls already. Reception has only been on for an hour. Damn. hahaha
Well... I am sure I will have more to report at the end of my day. I think I am going to try and write a short daily summary before I go to bed. Even if I have posted a few times before....just so I kinda throw all my thoughts out of my head instead of keeping them in before bed.
Maybe it will help my sleep??
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