Yep....I am doing something...making a change. I am going to WALK (no running for me quite yet) the 12k Bay to Breakers in May!!
Its about 2 weeks before my birthday and what a way to turn 29!
The COOLEST part of how I am doing this is really WHO I am doing it for. I am doing this as a fundraiser for Breathe California!
With all the people dying around me from things like lung cancer and COPD and emphysema and so on, I thought there would be no better way to better myself and those around me.
I got the idea when my friend said she was going to do Bay to Breakers and I was sad that I did not have the money to register (being jobless and all) so I was reading more about it, thinking I would just register when I got a job or unemployment and BOOM I came across the beneficiary of the event. I saw that you can RUN in their honor and I was like, I cant run.
So I reached out to the lovely people at Breathe California and received a reply from a great guy named Steve who said SURE YOU CAN DO IT AS A WALKER!
I am registered, made my page and now I just have to reach my goal of 250.00 to be officially set in the Bay to Breakers race!
Not only is this my first time and my best friends first time as well (she is a great runner though) is also the 100th anniversary of the event! How cool is that!?!? is the "I need YOUR help" part. You can check out my page and donate!
Pass it along to everyone you know. If I just got one dollar from every facebook friend, I would hit my goal so lets make this happen!!
<3 <3 <3
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